Tuesday, April 29, 2008
New Links
-Poulochetan,Club Penguin Gang President
Rockhopper’s Key - Crow’s Nest and a New Game!
2.Open the book library by clicking the book on the lower right corner of your screen
3.Open Rockhopper’s Journal and go to the last page
4.Click on the key. It will be added in your inventory
5.Go at the Ship Hold (Beach->Migrator->Ship Hold)
6.Click on the door which says rockhopper quarters.
You are now in rockhopper’s room! You can also wear the key as a pin!!

You can play a game called Treasure Hunt. Click on the How To Play Treasure Hunt poster so you can read the instructions. Here is a picture of it:

You can read something written by rockhopper on t

There is also a new room: The Crow’s Nest. To find it, just click on the arrow which is on the mast! The Crow’s Nest has a powerfull cannon

And Here Is A Picture Of The Captains Quarters
-Poulochetan,Club Penguin Gang President
Friday, April 25, 2008
Sport Catalog Sweet Cheats
Hiya pengs! The Pirate Party ‘08 is here! It kinda looks like the party from last years’.
The pin is a treasure chest. It is located at the Ski Village. Just move your cursor over the X sign until it appears:
The free item is the sailor’s hat. It is exactly the same free item as last years’.
Don’t forget to check out the decorations around Club Penguin! In some rooms, the decorations are exactly the same as last year’s pirate party.
There is a new sports shop catalog: Snow & Sports April ‘08. It is baseball themed.
The baseball background has returned:
There are 3 new clothing items:
Blue Baseball Uniform:
Red Basebal Uniform:
Baseball Gloves:
There are also 3 new furniture items:
Baseball Base:
Home Plate:
Cricket Wickets:
How to find the silver surfboard:
Go at the Surfbords Page.
Click on the green penguin. His surfboard will change.
Now, click on the starfish. It will glow.
Click on the stone. It will glow too, and the silver surfboard will appear

-Poulochetan,Club Penguin Gang President
Rockhopper is back

There is also a furniture item: The Rare Flower Pot, which costs 200 coins:
-Poulochetan,Club Penguin Gang Presdient
Snow Forts Clock Fixed

New Room Sneak Peak

It's not very often a new room opens in Club Penguin, but I wanted to let you know that a new room will show up sometime next week! It's supposed to be a big surprise so I can't say a lot more than that right now. But if you're on Club Penguin over the weekend you'll definitely hear about it!
In other news: A party to celebrate Rockhopper's return kicks off on Friday. It's only a weekend party so be sure to check it out and let us know what you think!
New Newspaper

There is also a letter from the P.S.A. Public Relations! The Missing Club Penguin Coins, The Avalanche that closed The Ski Hill in July 2007 and The Broken Club Penguin Clock are not accidents. They are all caused by Herbert, the bear in the Club Penguin Missions! The P.S.A. is still invistigating, but released a statement:

Also, there will be a new club penguin contest: The 2nd Annual Book Room Writing Contest! The 3 winning stories will be available at the Book Room! You can check the PREVIOUS winning stories at the Book Room. You can submit your story from May 1, until May 8. Check the newspaper for more info:

Check out the In Focus feature! It talks about the Ski Village & Mountain:

Tomorrow, the sports shop catalog will be released, with Baseball Gear:

Also, a new party will be released tomorrow, to celebrate the recovery of the migrator:

Here are the events:

-Poulochetan,Club Penguin Gang President
New Mission
Mission 7 Is Finally Out! It’s called “Clockwork Repairs”. We need to fix the broken snow forts clock, because it’s causing problems all aroung the island!

Here is The Mission 7 Walkthrough
1. Talk to G. He will explain any and all the problems with the click.
2. Click the monitor of the snow forts that G is pointing to. Notice that a polar bear and a crab will break the clock. Click the corner to exit the clock.
3. Talk to G again. G wants you to find the parts in order to repair the clock.
4. Go into the gadget room and take the Life Guard rescue tube off the shelf. Put it into your inventory.
5. Open up your map and proceed to the dock. Talk to the blue penguins team. Keep clicking on the top of the message so they will let you play a game.
6. How to play the game: To play, you must click and hold the mouse until the bar goes up into the red zone. As soon as it reaches the red zone, let go. Next aim with your mouse and shoot the target. Remember, that the target moves so shoot a little bit ahead of wear the target is going. It takes the snowball longer to travel than where the penguin is from you.
7. Once you win, they will give you the target. Give them back the rescue tube so they can continue to play.
8. Next proceed on to the HQ. Talk to G and notify him that you have to use the Electromagnetic 3000. He will tell you that the combination is, “Key.”
9. Go to the invention cabinet which is left of the entrance into the gadget room. At the bottom of the screen, their is a code. Decode the word, “Key” into the Secret Agent Code and input it into the lock.
10. The lock should open it you have done everything correctly. Now pick up the Magnetron 3000 and go to the Iceberg.
11. Go to the left until you see a “spring-in-an-ice cube” floating in the ocean. Using the Magnetron, pull it out of the water. Put both objects into your inventory.
12. Now go back to the HQ. Go into the gadget room. Take out the ice cube and place onto the test chamber. Pull the red lever and than press the flame button. Now pull the lever again and pick up the spring.
13. Now open your map and go into the town. Talk to rookie and ask him for a poster of the Prime Gear. Place it into your inventory.
14. Go to the Ski Village and talk to the penguins there. They will talk about how the type of snow matters. They will also mention that the Snow Forts has the best snow.
15. Open your map, and go to the Snow Forts. Fill up the green bucket with snow. (Green Bucket at the beach.)
16. Go to the beach and talk to the “yellow” penguin on the chair. He says that he gave a yellow penguin a drawing of a chair and the yellow puffle made it for him. Pick up the green bucket thats next to him on the ground.
17. Open up your map and go to the Plaza. Go inside the Pizza Parlor.
18. Take/pick up the sheet of music lying on the floor next to the piano. Place into your inventory.
19. Leave the pizza parlor and go into the stage. Click on the piano at the stage. Put the sheet of music onto the piano stand. Play the colored notes in order as it says on the music sheet. (Go from left to right when reading of the sheet.) The yellow puffle that is hiding will love it, and will come out from hiding.
20. Now give the puffle the picture of the gear. Next give it the bucket of snow. It will construct a replica of the gear. Place the gear into your inventory.
21. Go back to the gadget room at the HQ.
22. Place the gear onto the Test Chamber. Pull the lever and push the snow flake button. Then pull the lever once again. Take out the hardened gear.
23. Open the map, and go to the Snow Forts. Click on the clock at the snow forts to get behind it. Place the gear in the middle, the “spring” on the upper left, and the target on the outside (on top of the pole). Now exit/leave the clock.
24. The construction worker will cheer. You will get a call on your Spy Agent Phone from the polar bear. He says he underestimated you and that destroying the clock was just a distraction for his so called, “Master Plan.”
25. Go back to the HQ and talk to G. Completed/exit the mission and claim your prizes (Medal and Gift.)
-Poulochetan,Club Penguin Gang President
Friday, April 18, 2008
The Club Penguin Times Newspaper - Issue #131

Because of that, ALL of the clocks in club penguin are going mad! Even Fred The Cuckoo Clock!!

Rockhopper is on his way to club penguin, because he noticed the strange fireworks
On April 28, there will be a HUGE celebration, because the Migrator is fixed!! Rockhopper will be around too!
Tomorrow, there is a new furniture and igloo catalog. A new grass flooring will be relased, or even a new igloo!!
The In Focus Feature talks about the beach and the dock!
There is a pin finding tip in the newspaper! If you want to submit your own tip for the newspaper, go at the last page, and submit what you want.
There is another tip about fashion! Make sure to check it out if you wanna be “COOL”.
You can find an extra activity in the newspaper. Combine different wors and see comes up!
Make sure to check out the questions at the Aunt Arctic Section! There is a question than everyone of us wanted to know “Is Aunt Arctic making questions up for her article??”
Here are the upcoming events! Don’t forget to check our site for the catalog cheats tomorrow!!
-Poulochetan,Club Penguin Gang President
New Igloo Catalog Cheats
There is a new flooring, the Phony-Lawn 3000, which costs 700 coins
There is also a new igloo! It’s a backyard igloo, which costs 4200 coins! Cool

To find the Secret Deluxe Stone Igloo, click on the door of the Deluxe Snow Igloo on page 16:

To find the Secret Stone Igloo, click above the ‘S’ of the word ‘Service’ on page 5:
There is also a new furniture catalog! It has cool items!!
To find the hidden palm tree, click on the palm tree:
To find the hidden cake, click on the refrigerator:
To find the hidden Big Screen TV, click on the LCD Television
-Poulochetan,Club Penguin Gang President
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Club Penguin in the UK!
I wanted to let all of you know a piece of exciting news from the CP team.
There are kids from around the world that play Club Penguin and this month we opened a Club Penguin office in the UK. We love hearing from all of you and decided it would be a really good idea to have a team totally dedicated to that in the UK.

To celebrate the opening of the office, there is a special event planned at the ZSL London Zoo at the beginning of May. For those of you who live in the London area, and want to check it out, here are the details you need to know:
When: May 3, 11 a.m - 4 p.m.
Where: ZSL London Zoo
Who: Everyone is invited
What: Free access to the zoo, a chance to feed real penguins, and lots of activities (I heard there might even be a 'best penguin costume' contest)
In other news: Thanks for all your feedback about the new site! We're still 'polishing' it and your suggestions are a great help! It looks AWESOME!!!!!!
-Poulochetan, Club Penguin Gang President
The Ultimate Sneak Peek (Mission & Igloo!)
Last week I posted a sketch from the upcoming mission. Here is another one. The Cp team is just putting the finishing touches on the new mission! There will be a couple rooms you've never seen in a mission before.
Make sure you're totally caught up and have completed the past two missions (Secret of the Fur and Questions for a Crab)--these two have to be completed before you can play the new one.
In other news: I just heard about a NEW igloo design they are working on! Many of you have suggested it in the past, so I think you'll have lots of fun with it. The igloo will be released on Friday, April 18. Here's a small piece of it.
-Poulochetan,Club Penguin Gang President