Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rockhopper’s Key - Crow’s Nest and a New Game!

Hey Penguins
The Rockhoppers Key Is Here And Here is How To Find It
1.Go at the Book Room (upper floor of coffee shop)
2.Open the book library by clicking the book on the lower right corner of your screen
3.Open Rockhopper’s Journal and go to the last page
4.Click on the key. It will be added in your inventory
5.Go at the Ship Hold (Beach->Migrator->Ship Hold)
6.Click on the door which says rockhopper quarters.

You are now in rockhopper’s room! You can also wear the key as a pin!!

You can play a game called Treasure Hunt. Click on the How To Play Treasure Hunt poster so you can read the instructions. Here is a picture of it:

You can read something written by rockhopper on the notice board:

There is also a new room: The Crow’s Nest. To find it, just click on the arrow which is on the mast! The Crow’s Nest has a powerfull cannon Here is a picture of the crow’s nest

And Here Is A Picture Of The Captains Quarters

-Poulochetan,Club Penguin Gang President

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