Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New Web Site Updated

Hello Penguins!

Can you believe it!? The first part of CPIP is complete! The new servers launched and the new website is up for everyone to check out!

Thanks to all of you for all your help throughout the Server Test! The team will still be squashing some bugs and fixing up a few things here and there so if you notice any bugs this week, let us know.

Some of you are probably wondering when you'll get the 'reward' for helping with Server Test. Don't worry, it hasn't been forgotten about but it can't be delivered quite yet! We need one of the new features to make it happen. I'll have more info about it next week!

Thanks to all your great feedback on the website over the past couple weeks, the team was able to finish in time for launch. A lot of you had some great ideas that couldn't be made in time for this launch but updates are made regularly to the website so we'll hopefully add them soon.

As soon as you've had a chance to check out the new site, be sure to let us know what you like and even what could be better!
-Poulochetan,Club Penguin Gang President

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